Saturday, May 4, 2013


My Notes:

Focusing big time on 2 legged moves and 2 legged measured moves.  I think the 2 legged measured moves are great and will use them every time but I think I am missing some great trades by always looking for the legs to be equal.  I think when they are equal it gives more confirmation.

If you are confused then do not take a trade.  Treat this like you are trading live.  Only get in a trade if you can explain why it is a legit signal and what you expect the market to do based on the signal the market is giving you.

My price channels are messing me up b/c I am drawing them incorrectly.  I may not draw them b/c I am wrong more often than not and when I am wrong then it really messes me up.

Mack's correct trend lines are in black.
Mack's Notes:

He waits a couple of days to update his Ninja Trader.

He usually tightens his stop 2 ticks above/below the signal bar.  He rarely gets stopped out at 2 ticks.


My Trades:

1.  2nd entry short after a 2 legged move and off the upper trend channel.  When price started creating stems and not pushing through to the lower trend channel I got out at both contracts at BE.  At the bottom where price went up on the trend channel price had broken out of the yellow line small trend line and created a new low.  This is a good indication that price will reverse so maybe that entry I took was not as good as I thought.  Also the up trend yellow line had not been broken yet and then creating a new high.  That is a good signal that price will reverse when it does this.

2.  2nd entry off of the EMA.  As soon as price started waffling around I got out.  I was afraid this was the first of a 2 legged move up and I was on the wrong side.  (Of course price went through and would have taken out my scalp had I stayed in)

3.  2nd entry Long after a 2 legged measured move off of the EMA.  Beautiful trade.  Got out within a point of what I thought was the top of a 2 legged measured move.  Could have gotten 2 ticks better on my 2nd lot.

4.  2nd entry short looking for the 2nd leg of a 2 legged move.  Obviously that was not correct.

5.  2nd entry short looking for the 2nd leg of a 2 legged move.  Got a scalp.

Missed Trades:

1.  End of 2 legged measure move off of resistance level.  Wasn't a 2nd entry short.

2.  Looking for the 2nd leg of a 2 legged measured move.  Not a 2nd entry.  Was off the EMA or the incorrectly drawn trend line.

3.  2nd entry short off of the EMA.

4. and 5.  4 was a long that is hard to see.  Not a 2nd entry long.  5 is a 2nd entry long where the measured move down has failed.  I thought price was only going up to the measured move and I had drawn the trend lines incorrectly so I thought price was at the top of the trend channel.

6.  Price was clearly making 2 legs higher and this was the beginning of the 2nd leg.  It wasn't a 2nd entry.  The only way I could have taken this is if I had drawn the trend line correctly, otherwise I was looking for a 2nd leg down before taking it.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


My Notes:

Focusing on:
  1. 2 legged measured moves
  2. The small trend line breaks which indicates price is probably going to go up to make a new high or down to make a new low before consolidating or switching directions.
  3. Only taking trades that are 2nd entries from 2 legged moves or the 2nd leg w/a 2nd entry of a 2 legged moves.
  4. I am not taking trades just b/c they are a 2nd entry.  A two legged measured move has to be completed or it is the 2nd leg of a 2 legged measured move.
I know I will miss some trades due to this but I have to regroup and refocus on this.  It is good adding in the small trendlines but I need to focus extra hard on the 2 legged measured moves for all of my setups.  If the move does not get close to complete the 2 legged measured move then do not take the trade.  This is discipline that will help me develop by sticking to this plan until I get better at reading the market.  This helps filter out the bad trades.

Well only one trade today.  Good job sticking to only looking for the 2 legged measured moves.  This helps keep you out of the majority of bad trades even if you miss some winners right now.

Mack's Notes:

DO NOT try to catch tops.  You will just be successful enough to eventually be a loser in the long run trying to capture these.

He doesn't recommend taking new trades after 2:30 pm because there is not a lot of time for new trades to work out.

Your best trades are going to come from the EMA and the trend channel lines.

My Trades:

1.  2 legged measured move pullback to the 45 EMA.  Was also looking for the 2nd big leg of the measured move.

Missed Trades:

1.  2nd entry long counting from the lows after a 2 legged measured move down completed.

2.  Failed 2nd entry short.

3.  2 legged measured move down completed.  Was not a 2nd entry long.

4.  Price broke the small trend line down, made a double bottom off the EMA.  It was a 3rd entry and I was looking for the completion of the measured move down to the lower trend channel.