Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Question:  How do you get the bars to load from the end of the previous day's session using the market re-player?  Every day I get a big gap from when the day closes to the beginning of the current day.   I have the time period set to "24/7 default."  It messes me up at the beginning of each day.

Pre-Trading Notes:

1.  Focus on drawing the correct trend lines by drawing all of the smaller trend lines within the move whether it is a range or trend.
2.  Remember the setups of when price breaks out of a trend and what to look for.  If in an uptrend it will either create a HH or a HL.  Know how to react to each of these.  Opposite is true for a downtrend.

Post Trading Notes:

Today confused the mess out of me until I finally saw the upward trend around 11:51.  I missed a good trade but I could not tell from 9:56 until 11:51 if we were in a range or a trend.  The huge moves at the beginning of the session through me for a loop as well.  I could not figure out if we were in a range or a trend so I was confused as to what set of rules to follow which is why I missed out on a trade.  I like that I did not take any trades when I was confused if we were in a range or a trend even though I wanted to b/c I did not want to "miss out."  I felt that emotion tugging at me very hard today.  Good job in not giving in.

Once I figure out if we are in a range or a trend then everything becomes clear on what to do.  That is my biggest goal right now.  Find out as soon as I can if we are in a trend or a range.  Drawing the minor trends within the range or trend helps out extremely well.

Mack's lines are in black.
The trades I missed but saw are in violet.
Mack's trades I missed are in yellow.

Mack's Notes:

1.  When you have a news spike then price will usually come back and take out the spike.  Then price will reset and start over.
2.  You need 3 or more overlapping bars with one of them being a doji for it to be congestion.
3.  Draw your short term trend channels


1.  8:50 - 2nd entry long, failed 2nd entry short, 2 legged pullback, first break out of the trend channel (or at the bottom of the pitchfork channel I created).  Lots of reasons to like this trade.  Didn't have a target so kept my 2nd contract 2 ticks under the previous bar until I was stopped out.
2.  9:49 - Failed 2nd entry long.  Not sure if this was a good trade but I do not know how to get the end of day bars from the day before to show up on my chart so a big gap is created every day and I do not know how much it skews the EMA.  So price could have been far away like it is or close to it.  I am thinking this is a bad trade since price is too far from the EMA and there has been enough time to straighten the EMA out from the missed over night bars.

3.  11:30 - 2nd entry short.  Thought price had overshot the resistance line and is going back to the other side.  At least got a scalp.
4.  1:34 - 2nd entry long off of the lower support channel.

Missed Trades:

1.  9:01 - Failed 2nd entry short off of the lower trend channel.
2.  10:23 - Failed 2nd entry long
3.  10:36 - 2nd entry long off of the lower channel line
4.  10:51 - Failed 2nd entry short
5.  11:51 - 2nd entry long off of the lower support channel and a 2 legged move to the lower trend channel
6.  12:39 - Failed 2nd entry short off of the EMA

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