Sunday, February 24, 2013


This is why I am not ready for the advanced trades he recommends taking.  I tried 2 of them which of course ended up being losing trades b/c I misread the charts.  I'm not going to take out the measure move against the trend trade from the list of trades I take.  I am not ready for it until I can read price action better.

Trade 1:  2nd entry long off of lower trend channel.  If I had stuck to my plan and left my stop at 2 ticks below the signal bar then I would have at least made the 1 point scalp.

Trade 2:  2nd entry long off of the EMA.

Trade 3:  This was a made up trade I did which of course ended up being a loser.  Every time I do one of these trades it is a loser so quit making trades up and stick to your plan.

Trade 4&5:  Both of these trades I'm not taking anymore until I can read price action better.  I thought they were an overshoot of the measured move up and at the top of the upper trend line.  I thought I could short them when really I couldn't b/c they were not far enough away from the EMA.  Horrible trades b/c I struggle to read price action so I am not ready to take these trades.

Trade 6:  2nd entry long off the EMA.

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